New Pfizer data kills the case for universal child Covid vaccines
- Health & Healing
- March 16, 2022
For the younger kids, it dropped from 65% in the first two weeks to negative efficacy: -41% a month later. In other words, the vaccinated young kids were actually more likely to be infected than unvaccinated kids a month and a half after vaccination.
READ MOREThe Doctor’s Office Becomes an Assembly Line
- Health & Healing
- January 6, 2022
“Kathleen Blake, AMA’s vice president of healthcare quality, earlier this year cited studies showing that hospital acquisitions of private practices- which doubled from 2012 to 2018- have lead to ‘modestly worse patient experiences and no significant change in readmission or mortality rates.’ Flawed electronic health record systems in hospitals have resulted in deathly medical errors
READ MOREPick Up the Pace: Walking More Quickly May Improve Your Health
- Health & Healing
- October 16, 2019
“Since childhood brain health already at the age of 3 years was associated with walking speed at midlife, it looks like the early life function of the brain could affect the long-term function of the body and thus the walking speed.”
READ MOREStress can make you sick. Take steps to reduce it.
- Featured
- October 16, 2019
“One of the reasons I wrote this book was to give stress the air time that it deserves. The public needs to be more aware of how prevalent and damaging it is, and doctors need to be aware of some simple things to help people.” That’s what Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, author of “The Stress Solution,” told the New York Times.
READ MOREA Reason to Think Twice About Your Child’s ADHD Diagnosis
- Headlines & Highlights
- December 28, 2018
“Something is fundamentally wrong with the way ADHD is diagnosed. There’s a whole list of things that have nothing to do with the chemistry of the brain that increases your risk of being diagnosed with ADHD.” Dr. Martin Whitely, researcher & 1st author of a new study
READ MORENot exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals
- Headlines & Highlights
- October 22, 2018
“Cardiorespiratory fitness is a modifiable indicator of long term mortality and healthcare professionals should encourage patients to achieve and maintain high levels of fitness.”
READ MOREWomen who drink more water get fewer UTIs
- Headlines & Highlights
- October 10, 2018
“If a woman has recurrent UTI, she should consider her daily fluid intake and try to increase it to at least two to three liters a day.”
READ MOREAn 80-Year Harvard Study Says This 1 Thing Will Make You Happier and Healthier
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 27, 2018
What does it take to be healthy & happy? Harvard University began a comprehensive study on emotional well-being back in 1938 that included John F. Kennedy, who went on to become President of the United States, and 723 other men.
READ MORESurgery centers don’t have to report deaths in 17 states
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 14, 2018
“A Kaiser Health News & USA Today investigation found that surgery centers operate under such an uneven mix of rules across U.S. states that fatalities & serious injuries can result in no warning to gov’t officials, much less to potential patients.”
READ MORELimit screen time to protect your child’s heart, American Heart Association says
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 8, 2018
“Screen time is associated with being overweight and obese which is associated with high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Once those risk factors, such as obesity, are in play in childhood, they tend to continue into adulthood.”
READ MOREYour doctor may not be the best source of nutrition advice
- Featured
- July 24, 2018
“This is what happens when you don’t teach nutrition. You cannot learn in 2 hours what it takes 20 hours to learn.”
READ MOREStopped flossing? Teeth still vital to overall health
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 3, 2016
“I’m a periodontist so I deal with gum disease every day, and there are lots of studies showing that plaque building up between the teeth does cause gum disease.”
READ MOREReview Top Location
- Design
- March 8, 2015
Curabitur ac felis quis enim porta ultrices. Curabitur tempus vehicula rutrum. Phasellus at egestas elit, ut facilisis diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque rhoncus feugiat nisi elementum gravida. Vivamus condimentum lectus sed dictum dignissim. Nulla tincidunt nisi vel risus dignissim bibendum. Etiam quis risus vitae dolor
READ MOREProduct Review
- Design
- March 8, 2015
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut id ligula congue, placerat turpis eu, maximus nisi. Sed id nisl ut augue sollicitudin porttitor. Ut porta, mauris sed porta convallis, ante sem lobortis augue, vitae condimentum nulla nisl in augue. Donec eu dignissim tortor. Maecenas vitae fringilla nibh. Sed volutpat felis mauris, quis dignissim justo
READ MOREWhat runs in your family? Talking turkey about health
- Home & Family
- November 26, 2013
What do you talk about around the Thanksgiving dinner table? This story from November 2013 is every bit as relevant today. Then Surgeon General, Boris Lushniak, reminded us that it’s a good time to talk about your family’s history of diseases and any other information that can help you keep your loved ones healthy, as the holiday has been declared National Family History Day.
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The texting dead
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- April 8, 2013
The business of happy families: Family Inc.
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- February 12, 2013
It All Started With a 12-Year-Old Cousin
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- February 3, 2014
Brought back from the dead
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- May 5, 2014