Parents of Queens boy who died from undiagnosed infection urges Senate panel: ‘No more Rorys’

Photo credit:New York Daily News

Rory Staunton was 12 years old when he died from an undiagnosed case of sepsis, after having scraped his elbow in gym class. Rory had gone to the hospital after waking up on the day after the gym class incident with a high fever, leg pain, high blood pressure, high heart rate, and vomiting, but doctors had assumed the boy just had a stomach flu.

Rory left the hospital the following day, despite the fact that his blood test showed a high white blood cell count, which typically suggests some sort of bacterial infection.

After his face turned yellow and his skin appeared to be black and blue, he was taken back to the hospital, where he died from the deadly infection.

Now, Rory’s parents are fighting to create awareness of the deadly disease called sepsis, which is typically contracted in the hospital and causes all organs to shut down. A law called “Rory’s Regulations” was passed in New York this year in an effort to require hospitals to check for infection.

While many may not have even heard of the disease, sepsis kills more children each year than cancer. Awareness of this deadly disease is the key to preventing it.

NY Daily News, 9/24/13

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