Jake Reilly’s ‘Amish Project:’ 90 Days Without a Cell Phone, Email and Social Media

College student Jake Reilly conducted both a social experiment and a self-exploration when he took a 90-day vacation from social media, email, and cell phones. He did this because he was worried that people spend more time with gadgets and keyboards these days than they do quality time with the people they really care about.

College student Jake Reilly conducted both a social experiment and a self-exploration when he took a 90-day vacation from social media, email, and cell phones. He did this because he was worried that people spend more time with gadgets and keyboards these days than they do quality time with the people they really care about. During his experiment, Jake found that some people he counted among his close friends weren't really that close after all. He also discovered that taking a break from one's relationship with social media and really paying attention to the people around us can help revive real-life romance and enhance friendships and relationships.

Yahoo! News, 1/31/2012

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