Shaking off Loneliness

Jane Brody's article emphasizes how important it is to our well-being to have close, loving, meaningful relationships. Dr. John T. Cacioppo, Univeristy of Chicago psychologist, is quoted as saying, "Is it any wonder that we turn to ice cream or other fatty foods when we're sitting at home feeling all alone in the world? We want to

Jane Brody's article emphasizes how important it is to our well-being to have close, loving, meaningful relationships. Dr. John T. Cacioppo, Univeristy of Chicago psychologist, is quoted as saying, "Is it any wonder that we turn to ice cream or other fatty foods when we're sitting at home feeling all alone in the world? We want to soothe the pain we feel by mainlining sugar and fat content to the pleasure centers of the brain, and absent of self-control, we go right at it.” What can you do to combat loneliness? Dr. Cacioppo points out that doing "random acts of kindness" for others, volunteering, or even paying someone a compliment can make you feel better. He refers to this phenomenon as the "helper's high," and it can even lead to new friendships.

The New York Times, 5/13/2013

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